The Fritos weren't opened, no junk food for FiFi yet. She just like the noise the bag makes.
Sophia is officially sitting up by herself and pretty much hands and knees crawling! She just turned 6 months old, so this is early for my babies. My other ones weren't crawling until closer to 8 months old. I don't want her to grow up too fast since she is my last. We also started feeding her solid foods last week. I just steamed some carrots and zucchini and baked some sweet potatoes and pureed it all in the food processor. She also loves mashed up bananas, avocado and applesauce. She even enjoyed some lentil soup at a Greek restaurant Sunday. Unfortunately along with the new foods comes stinky poop. It is so nice when they are only breastfed, the poop barely even smells. Before I know it, my baby girl will be turning 1 year old. It is going too fast!
I think about blogging every day. However, I tend to think a lot more lately than doing. I really really wanted this blog so that I would have a record of my life. Even now, I enjoy looking back and seeing the kids a year ago and remembering things that we did or stuff that happened. I really want to remember these days of raising my children. One day they will all be grown and gone and I know I am going to miss these crazy days. Some things we have done lately. If I were a good blogger, I would have pictures of all of it.
went to the Audobon Zoo in New Orleans with some great friends
had a birthday/Easter party for some nieces and a nephew along with Cabbage ball and an egg hunt for the little kids.
Chad and Parker turned 43 and 16 respectively
I turned 39! ::gulp::
today I went and picked out a tux for my oldest child's Senior Prom. So happy I convinced him to wear black instead of white! LOL
It is already April 2010 and life is flying by faster and faster and my memory is getting worse and worse LOL If I dont' start recording things, I am afraid I will start forgetting. This blog is such an inspiration, in so many ways. She has me wanting to be better about recording these memories. My pictures and words won't be so pretty, but at least the memories will be recorded, ya know?
Anyway, another thing I wanted to show y'all was the warehouse lights I bought for my sewing room. They were $30 each at Home Depot. They look so good in the room and were so cheap : D Gotta love cheap! They look so much better than the wires and naked bulb that were hanging out of the ceiling lol
I am also making progress on the quilting of my Mom's quilt. It would be really nice to be able to give it to her for Mother's Day.
Aww..What a sweetie pie!!! I wish I could just reach into the computer and kiss those sweet little cheeks.
Nater is finally potty trained, and I am missing baby things so much right now. :)
That quilt is looking so awesome!!!
What a cutie! Looks like she's in a hurry to catch up with those siblings!
And man - I went and checked out her blog and am now wiping away tears from reading all about her birth story - she is so amazing at documenting things - you are right!!
Oh Tonya, All your children are darling & your tiny Sophia is no exception!!...Just adorable!....So nice to see you blogging!....Your friend, Heidi XO
Angie, we love to kiss on her fat little cheeks lol So now you are done with diapers, that has to be bittersweet....
Amber, wasn't her birth story so beautiful and real. I LOVE her blog! I cried and cried while I read it, that beautiful little girl is so blessed to have her for her mom.
Heidi Ann, it is so nice to hear from you friend : D
umm, where did this darling little chubby baby come from? It's been toooo long since you last blogged and now she's all grown up. She is so perfectly darling in every way! Oh I bet she is so spoiled at home! Who could resist!
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