After almost 3 years, I am finally done with my Mom's quilt! Now, of course, it did not take me that long to actually make it. Months would go by when I didn't work on it at all. I did have a baby during all of this and probably didn't touch it until she was 6 months old. No matter, she is done and tomorrow my Mom will have her new quilt on her bed. I got the pattern out of an old, probably 80's or 90's, quilting book from my library. The instructions were very minimal, so I am glad the top turned out ok. This was also the first time I have tried free motion quilting. I must say, I really love the process. Much more than using the walking foot. I find I have way more control when quilting free motion. I used the Supreme Slider and Machingers, and both of these products made things so much easier. I also watched many videos from the blog The Free Motion Quilting Project and on The Quilt Show. I know the quilt wouldn't have turned out nearly so well without both of these wonderful resources. I would really recommend the website Day Style Designs, Leah is an amazing quilter and freely shares her knowledge. She sells both the Supreme Slider and Machingers at her website.

The pictures didn't come out as well as I would have liked. It was cloudy and extremely windy today. Also, the only ones home to help me out were Samuel and Ava. Well, Sophia was home too, but she couldn't do much lol I think Sam and Ava did a great job, this quilt is HEAVY and the wind was whipping that sucker all over the place. I may try to take some better pictures when the wind dies down and the sun comes out.

The quilt is pretty big, here it is on my bed which is a king size. It should fit perfectly on my Mom's queen size bed.

A closeup of the design in each block. This isn't one of the best ones, I did improve, but it gives you an idea. I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this entire quilt from start to finish. I am not sure if I am going to start another big quilt anytime soon, but I am sure I will make more.