After seeing all of the great projects from the book Weekend Sewing, I broke down and bought it. I don't buy many sewing books, I would love to, but it isn't usually in my budget. This book was well worth the money. There are at least 6 projects in there that I plan on making. My first project was the Trapeze Sundress. Except, I shorted it to a tunic. I just took 8 inches off the bottom of the pattern. I did have to shorten the pockets after doing this though, because they stuck out from the bottom of the shirt.
I am not sure if I made an error when I was copying the pattern or it is just the way the top fits, but I had a problem with the top gaping badly. I just put a box pleat in the middle and that seemed to solve the problem. I had to make a size large *gasp* to fit around my chest, which made it very tent like. This is fine right now, since I am pregnant lol However, if I was making this when not preggo, I would narrow the sides down a little. Of course, if I weren't pregnant, my boobs wouldn't be so darn big and I would probably fit in a medium lol
These pictures are not so great, I took them at the end of a long day. I was tired and not in the mood, which shows on my face lol Also, pictures kind of freak me out right now, I don't realize how *full* my face, chest and arms are until I see a picture of myself. I probably should have just left my head out of the shot, but Sydney didn't listen to me, and I didn't feel like cropping. I actually wore a white cardigan over the tunic, but wanted to photograph it without. Here is another belly shot, I am 21 weeks. ( Oh, and please excuse the crap under the patio. This is what was in the garage and it is being stored here until dh can build a new shed. Our old one was crushed by a tree in Hurricane Gustav. Sydney wasn't supposed to get this in the picture either.)
You are looking so cute. Love the top and love that little belly bump even more.
Take care,
You look beautiful!! I don't see any "fullness" in your arms, but what...ever! ;)
That top is darling and I really love the fabric. The box pleat was a smart idea!
Very cute.... I wish I had taken the time to sew myself some maternity clothes when I was pregnant. They always look better than the store bought stuff. I am so tall, and my shirts never felt long enough. Oh well... :)
Great Job... and so glad you are feeling well enough to be sewing again :)
I like the top. I think you look great!!!
I am going to have to look at the book again. I know how you feel about buying books.
You're so brave taking pictures while pregnant...I don't like preggo pics of me. I filled out everywhere! But you look fabulous for baby #8, I don't see what you're talking about. That top turned out cute...looks like a great comfy maternity top and the print is cute too. Great job!
Love the top - such a nice fabric and a very practical design for your hot summer! You look glowing - over the half way mark !!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
The top is cute, and you look great!
you are so beautiful! A mom of 7? wow! in the first picture I thought you for 15. :) The top is very pretty. Oh and look for the heather ross website. There are many errata (errors) in the book of weekend sewing.
beautiful top.....and you look gorgeous! :)
Happy Mother's Day!
That top turned out great. This weekend I bought fabric to make the same thing...hopefully I'll get working at it soon!
Hi Tonya,
Thank you for sharing these pictures.
Nice to meet you here in Blogger. I like knitting and sewing too...
I love it! I actually just ordered Weekend Sewing and am super excited about all the projects to do!
I had to buy Weekend Sewing as well after reading about it. The only thing I have had time to make from it was the checkbook, but I am excited to make so many of the things!!
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